The Valencia Elementary Home & School Club is a non-profit 501c3 organization (Federal Tax ID: 56-2556184). All parents of Valencia students are automatically members of the Home & School Club, and we welcome your attendance at any or all of our meetings. Your input is important and appreciated!
The primary objectives and purposes of the Valencia H&SC are:
- To fund programs, materials, and resources at Valencia in order to support our teachers and enhance the educational experience of our children.
- To foster closer relationships between the home, school, and community.
- To beautify our school.
Volunteering your time is a great way to feel connected to Valencia school and be a part of your child’s learning experience.
It’s also a great way to meet new people, and it’s how we continue to be able to fund the programs and services that we provide.
By volunteering to be a part of a team that coordinates a fundraiser event, you help ensure our ability to raise funds that are now necessary to maintain critical levels of teacher and classroom support. Equally as important is helping to foster a sense of community where everyone feels welcome and a part of the solution. There is no value that can be placed on being a positive role model for your child. They will notice and appreciate your involvement!
There are many ways to join in and help support the efforts of the H&SC. We have been so successful, year after year, because of our dedicated parent volunteers and the varied strengths they bring to the organization. Opportunities exist for both working and stay at home parents and YOU decide how you want to help, when you want to help and how much time you can give. Whether it’s an hour per year or an hour per day, it all adds up and makes a big difference. Please don’t simply think “someone else will do it” and then be disappointed if something does not happen. It’s up to all of us to become a part of the solution. Contact us to learn more about specific volunteer opportunities.