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Events & Meetings

Join us at our next meeting: 5:30pm on the 1st Wednesday of each month.

Join us in the school library the 1st Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm

All parents of Valencia students are automatically members of the Home & School Club, and we welcome your attendance at any or all of our monthly meetings. We do hope to see you at our meetings because your input is important and appreciated!

The primary objectives of the Home & School Club are:


We fund programs, materials & resources that support our teachers and enhance the educational experience of our children.

Building Relationships

Our goal is to create more connection between the home, school and greater community.


By helping to beautify our school, we make Valencia an optimal learning environment for our children.

Volunteers Wanted

Volunteering your time is a great way to feel connected to Valencia school and be a part of your child’s learning experience. It’s also a great way to meet new people, and how we continue to be able to fund the programs and services that we provide. There are many opportunities available from positions on the Board of Directors or non-board positions like helping maintain the H&SC website, running a fundraiser, or helping start a community event.

Want to learn more?

Valencia View Podcast

Listen to our 6th grade leaders share weekly updates on the new Valencia View Podcast!